The Virginia Health Opportunity Index (HOI) is a group of indicators that provide insight into the overall opportunity for Virginians to live long and healthy lives. The HOI is a hierarchical index that allows users to examine based on Social Determinates of Health (SDOH) at multiple levels in Virginia. Made up of over 30 variables, combined into 13 indicators, grouped into 4 profiles, then aggregated into a single index reported at the county/independent city and census tract geographic level.

HOI Methodology HOI Indicators Explore the HOI

Why is the HOI important?

There are many factors that affect your health. Biological factors, such as your genes and age, behaviors such as substance use, eating habits and exercise, and the quality of medical care you receive all play a role. However, more and more research is discovering the importance of social, economic and environmental factors that drive health — the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). While estimates vary, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than half of the variation in health outcomes is driven by the SDOH.

The Health Opportunity Index (HOI) provides Virginians with a roadmap to explore the SDOH in their communities.

The HOI is an invaluable tool that can provide a baseline for a community to determine what factors lead to positive health outcomes and healthy communities, and identifies areas and populations that more vulnerable to adverse health outcomes based on SDOH. With the HOI, communities can examine their health opportunity landscape, target limited resources and, most importantly, begin data-driven conversations around health and public policy.

HOI Methodology HOI Indicators Explore the HOI