The Community Environment Profile

This profile is a measure of the natural, built, and social environment of a community using the following indicators:

    • Air Quality Indicator: Includes EPA measures of pollution, including on-road, non-road, and non-point pollution, and EPA measures of neurological, cancer, and respiration risk.
    • Population Churning Indicator: The amount of population turnover within a community. It measures the rate at which people both move into and out of a community.
    • Population Density Indicator: A measure of population density that takes into account the density levels most people in the community experience.
    • Walkability Indicator: A measure of how walkable a community is based on residential and employment density, land use (destination) diversity, street connectivity, and public transit accessibility.

The Consumer Opportunity Profile

This profile is a measure of the consumer resources available within a community using the following indicators:

    • Affordability Indicator: The proportion of a community’s income spent on housing and transportation. This indicates how much income remains for other priorities, including food, healthcare, and social activities.
    • Education Indicator: The average number of years of schooling among adults in the community. It can range from zero (those with no formal schooling) to 20 (those with a doctorate/professional degree).
    • Food Accessibility Indicator: A measure of access to food by low income people within a community. It measures the proportion of the low income community that has a large grocery store within 1 mile in urban areas or 10 miles in rural areas.
    • Material Deprivation Indicator: Based on the Towsend Material Deprivation Index, this indicator examines the private material resources available to households in a community. The Towsend Index considers: Overcrowding (>2 persons per room), unemployment, the percent of persons without a car/vehicle, and the percent of people who rent.

The Economic Opportunity Profile

This profile is a measure of the natural, built, and social environment of a community using the following indicators:

    • Employment Accessibly Indicator: A measure of the number of jobs accessible to members of the community. Accessibility is determined by distance: close jobs are more accessible than jobs farther away.
    • Income Inequality Indicator: The Gini Index is a common measure of income inequality. It measures whether the income earned within a community is distributed broadly or concentrated within the hands of a small number of households.
    • Job Participation Indicator: A measure of the percentage of individuals 16-64 years of age who are active in the civilian labor force. It includes those currently working and those seeking work.

The Wellness Disparity Profile

This profile is a measure of the disparate access to health services within a community using the following indicators:

    • Access to Care Indicator: A measure determining whether community members have access to a primary care physician and the means to pay for care. It includes the proportion of uninsured residents and the number of physicians within 30 miles of the community.
    • Segregation Indicator: A measure of whether and how much people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds live together in diverse communities, including measures of both community diversity and the distance between communities with different racial or ethnic profiles.

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