Place Matters, Policy Matters

Policy — the plans our elected officials make to guide Virginia’s present and shape its future — can greatly affect Virginians’ overall health and well-being. Many of our state’s most serious health problems are deeply rooted in social, economic, and environmental causes, such as unequal access to health care, poverty, and pollution.

Do you need help finding your legislator? Visit the locator page.

The Bubble Charts below show the health opportunities for Virginia as a whole, as well as for each of the 40 Senate districts and 100 House districts. You can search by senator or by senate district. You can also search by delegate or by house district. If you don’t know your legislator, you can look it up by scrolling to the top of the page and clicking on Dashboards, Legislative Districts, Find Your Legislator.

When you select your senator, delegate or district and hold the mouse over a bubble, the opportunity level associated with that bubble displays. For example, the default chart shows all districts and gives a picture of the health opportunities for all of Virginia. When you hold your mouse over the Very High Opportunity bubble, it reveals that 21% of Virginias–more than 1.6 million out of 8 million–have a very high opportunity to live long and healthy lives.

We are currently working on an interactive mapping tool for legislative districts. If you would like to request a pdf map of your district, please contact us.

Senate of Virginia

Virginia House of Delegates