Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What type of data can I find on your site?

A: Excerpts from our annual reports as well as our complete annual report (i.e. population and vital events data including, but not limited to: birth and death rates, infant mortality, teen pregnancy and non-marital birth), minority health and life expectancy data.

Q: Where can I find incidence of disease data for Virginia?

A: Incidence of disease data can be found online at VDH's Office of Epidemiology or by phone at (804) 864-8141.

Q: How can I obtain a copy of a birth or death certificate or a certificate for a marriage or divorce in Virginia?

A: Copies of these certificates can be obtained by contacting the Virginia Office of Vital Records.

Q: How can I obtain genealogy information?

A: The Library of Virginia has research guides and finding aids listed on their site.

Q: Do you have information on marriage and divorce in Virginia?

A: Yes, data on marriages and divorces can be found on our Statistical Reports and Tables page here.

Q: Do you collect information on the population of Virginia?

A: No, however, we do publish population data and rates prepared by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), State Data Center of the Virginia Employment Commission, and the U.S. Bureau of the Census. This information is available in our annual reports and also on our web site.

Q: In what formats can you send data?

A: Hard copies of data can be sent via regular mail or faxed. Additionally, data can be sent via e-mail as plain text or as an attachment e.g. Excel, PowerPoint, SPSS, etc. Keep in mind, large data transfers (>5mb) are better handled via regular mail.

Q: Is there a charge for the data?

A: Information not available through our regular publications may be available upon request and payment of a reasonable fee.

Q: Where can I get a copy of your annual reports?

A: Begining with the 2008 publication, electronic copies are available on our site here as a free download. Hard copy printed versions will no longer be produced. Excel versions of the report are available for a fee.

Q: What is involved if my research project requires data specific to individual records?

A: Access to individual data records requires a review of the proposal by the State Registrar in the Office of Vital Records. In all cases, the privacy of individual records will remain the top priority. In order to meet the requirements for access to this sensitive information, the researcher will need to submit documentation including:
        (1) A copy of the research protocol; including a description of how the data will be used and the retention time anticipated.
        (2) A written agreement not to share the data with third parties.
        (3) A description of how the data will be stored and confidentiality maintained.
        (4) A description of how the data will be destroyed upon completion of the project. In addition, if a follow-up to the individual, family or facility involved is planned, evidence of Institutional Review Board approval must be submitted. The State Registrar will review the submitted documentation and, at her discretion, define the limitations of the release of this data.

    B.  Submission and approval from the Office of Minority Health and Public Health Policy Institutional Review Board (IRB) is required.          

Q: Where do I send comments, suggestions?

A: We're committed to building a web site that delivers timely, user-friendly information that meets the needs of the researcher and the public. We value any comments that can help us achieve that goal. Please e-mail comments to Division of Health Statistics.